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Keys to Success:

Transparency Our clients are always informed of their current case status at every step. We provide all clients with a simple explanation of how the law applies to their situation

Experience Our lead attorney has handled over 1,000 family law cases and hundreds of custody trials. We offer an unparalleled courtroom presence and unmatched experience working with family law.

Child Centered We care about your children. We will fight for your children like they are our own. Your children come first at and that will never change.

24 Hour Access clients have access to all their client files 24/7 on their computers or smartphones. Notices are sent when new documents are uploaded and when hearings are approaching.

Child Support

The issue of child support almost always arises in divorce cases. It’s the money the court orders one/both parents to pay to support their child/children. In California, family courts usually want both parents to support their children after the divorce. Therefore, courts will consider your and your spouse’s financial situation to establish how much child support you both owe. They will also consider who spends much time with the child between you and your spouse. If you spend more time with your child than your spouse, you’d owe less in terms of child support. The court will also consider the child’s age—support usually ends at eighteen or nineteen years if the minor hasn’t finished their high school studies yet.

Should a child die, marry, or join the military, child support ends. However, if the minor is physically or mentally disabled and can’t support themselves as a grow-up, child support continues past eighteen years. The expenses and income of you and your spouse are filled on form FL-150, and the child support each spouse owes is determined depending on a preset formula that’s itself based mainly on disposable income.


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Mon-Fri: 8am-8am

Saturday: 8am-8am

Sunday: 8am-8am

Contact us today by calling 858-529-5150

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