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Keys to Success:

Transparency Our clients are always informed of their current case status at every step. We provide all clients with a simple explanation of how the law applies to their situation

Experience Our lead attorney has handled over 1,000 family law cases and hundreds of custody trials. We offer an unparalleled courtroom presence and unmatched experience working with family law.

Child Centered We care about your children. We will fight for your children like they are our own. Your children come first at and that will never change.

24 Hour Access clients have access to all their client files 24/7 on their computers or smartphones. Notices are sent when new documents are uploaded and when hearings are approaching.

Domestic Partnership

The Supreme Court legalized same-sex marital unions in California State and all through the United States. However, California still has domestic partnership laws under which same-sex couples may register as domestic partners. Essentially, the state treats domestic partnerships similarly as marriages, but they’re between two persons of the same gender.

Whereas almost all domestic partnership statutes are precisely the same as those for marriages, there’s a small difference as far as dissolving domestic partnership is concerned. If you registered a domestic partnership in the state of California, then the state has the discretion to terminate it, irrespective of where you currently live. However, if you filed the partnership in another state, at least one of you must reside in California to file the petition to dissolve the union there.

Like divorces, dissolving domestic partnerships can at times be accelerated with a summary dissolution. The summary dissolution rules that apply in marriages also apply in domestic partnerships.

Partners who register domestic partnerships may also consider entering a domestic partnership agreement. This is a written agreement that controls how given financial issues will be handled during the partnership, death, and divorce.

Our lawyers draft domestic partnership agreements and bring knowledge, sensitivity, and experience to negotiations and preparation. We understand how these agreements should be and are experienced at protecting our clients’ interests while at the same time protecting the relationship.


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Mon-Fri: 8am-8am

Saturday: 8am-8am

Sunday: 8am-8am

Contact us today by calling 858-529-5150

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